Thu, 29 August 2013
This week Dave and Noah get their "just desserts" by watching Just One of the Guys from 1985. This poor man/woman's Tootsie stars Joyce Hyser, Clayton Rohner and "Johhny Lawrence" the Cobrah Kai bully from Karate Kid! Joyce Hyser almost has it all: a bangin' bod, a college boyfriend to bang her bod, her own swimming pool, a friend that wears Cosby sweaters and a sexually precocious little brother. However, her life can't be complete without a Summer internship at the Phoenix SunTimes. When her english teacher Mr. Raymaker chooses two boys over her for the coveted position, Joyce decides to literally grow a pair and submit her application as a man at a neighboring highschool. Gender Bender hilarity attempts to ensue, delivered unto us by a chariot of 80's pop synthesizers. Dave and Noah head to the Warren family farm to ready their back to school supplies lists. Tucked away in the dark hills of River Falls, Wisconsin, they are far from the reach of any surprise jock inspection.